The Kodak APEX (Adaptive Picture Exchange) system is a modular, scalable, integrated solution that significantly increases profit potential for the on-site retail photo department, and delivers a low total cost of operation while enabling premium, high margin consumer photo products. The Kodak Apex is a powerful combination of flexibility and scalability, truly modular in design to adapt and grow to meet your needs. The Kodak Apex easily integrates with your current Kodsk Picture Kiosks to let you offer the latest products.
The Kodak APEX sytems printing system is a clean; eco-friendly alternative to today’s wet AgX minilabs. And, as a scalable dry lab platform, it offers retailers of all sizes a choice of system configurations and functionality to meet their store traffic volume requirements. Kodak APEX offers numerous benefits for retailers, the most significant being affordable cost of entry point and inexpensive cost of operation – both imperative in these challenging economic times.