KODAK Video Snapshots Module v1.0

SKU: 188-2638

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KODAK Video Snapshots Module (1882638)
Freeze and print video moments with the NEW Video Snapshots feature. No need to take video and stills of the same event. Easy and fast to use

Feature supports video formats of top brand digital still & digital video cameras!

  • File format support planned: .mov, .avi, .mpg
  • Codecs support planned:  MJPG, PJPG, MPEG4, H.264 and MPEG1

This covers cameras from: Kodak, Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Fuji, Sony, Casio, Flip, most Samsung, most HP, & more.

Note: in order to use a video file, need to support both the file type & the codec

Non-Refundable Policy:

This software key is generated by the developer of this software and delivered as a downloadable digital key.
Because of this we cannot offer a refund once a software purchase has been made.
We highly advise to evaluate a fit of the product during the trial period for the software for those that provide a trial mode.

Please use the trial period or check the PC/Mac requirements to make sure that the software meets your needs before purchasing a license. Once purchase is made, its non-refundable and non-transferable.

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FotoClub is an authorized dealer of professional digital photo printers and professional instant printing solutions from all the major brands like Epson, DNP, HiTi, FujiFilm, Sinfonia, Mitsubishi, Kodak, Sony, and more. We can help you find the best photo printers, printing equipment and supplies for any application including photo booth printers, photo kiosks, large format inkjet printers and portable event printers.

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