Sony 2UPCR155H 5x7 Media for UPDR150 Printer - Repacked


  • Notes

Original media visually inspected and repacked professionally with custom foam inside new boxes. Ribbon and paper are unopened. 670 total prints.

335 prints per roll, 2 ROLLS 670 prints total

Sony's 2UPCR155H new high performance (H Type) media print packs for the UPDR150 digital roll printer. The new print pack offers superior picture quality and enhanced color saturation. The new print pack includes an improved ribbon dye set which provides an expanded color range yielding better color reproduction and enhanced flesh tones. It has two rolls of 5x7 print paper and two rolls of ink ribbons (335 prints per roll, 670 prints total) per pack.

  • 5x7 High Performance Media Print Pack for the UP-DR150
  • 335 prints per roll, 2 ROLLS 670 prints total

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