Clear 4x6" Horizontal Lucite Stands - Pack of 12 frames

SKU: L-008

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(12) = 4"x6" Photo - Clear Stand/Frame in Landscape Orientation.

Works well with photos that are printed from most popular dye sub printers like DNP DS40, RX1, Mitsubishi, Sony and HiTi’s that print 6 inch wide roll paper. 


1 Pack = (12) 4x6" Horizontal - Landscape Stands

 --- Volume Packs Available:--

6   Packs = (72) 4x6" Horizontal Stands

12 Packs = (144) 4x6" Horizontal Stands

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FotoClub is an authorized dealer of professional digital photo printers and professional instant printing solutions from all the major brands like Epson, DNP, HiTi, FujiFilm, Sinfonia, Mitsubishi, Kodak, Sony, and more. We can help you find the best photo printers, printing equipment and supplies for any application including photo booth printers, photo kiosks, large format inkjet printers and portable event printers.

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